Is the day that I married my best friend. 39 years later, he is still my best friend and I love him more now than I did then. He is an amazing father, opa (grandfather) and husband. He is loving, caring, compassionate, and easy going. He loves sports and in his heyday played basketball, softball, slow pitch and bowled. He still golfs and enjoys curling in the winter time. He is a sports fanatic and enjoys watching almost any kind of sport on TV.
The greatest joy in his life are his 3 adorable granddaughters. Brooke, the 4 yr. old calls him best friend Opa. She loves to grab his hat and run away with it.
Here are some photos of my husband and family:
Taken in Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton ON - Summer 1979 - Mike was almost 2 & Janice was 4. Herb had hair & my hair was longer and I was a lot slimmer! LOL Janice & Mike both had white blond hair when they were very young.
Herb & I in Banff AB- 1991 - Herb's hair is thinning and I'm just a bit heavier!
With Janice & Mike in Alberta - 1991.
Taken in the mid 90's - With our best friends - Bert & Jeanine Damen.
With Janice in Niagara-on-the Lake ON - getting ready to ride our bikes along the Niagara River bike/walking path which can be seen in the background. Herb & I spent many hours there bike riding and having picnic lunches. Best place in Ontario to ride a bike.
Herb & I taking a break from bike riding along the Niagara River.
Proud father of the bride - Herb & Janice - Caesar's Palace - Las Vegas Nevada - April 6, 2004.
Herb & I and our beautiful daughter on her wedding day. Janice chose tulips for the bouquets and boutonnieres to pay tribute to her Dutch heritage.
Opa with best friend Brooke and Sierra - Summer 2010.
Playing Simon Says with Brooke and Sierra. Sierra was Simon.
Last but certainly not the least, Opa with his newest granddaughter Amber - Dec. 2010.
Thanks for stopping by!