Wear your poppy with pride today and don't forget to observe a 2 minute silence at 11 a.m.
May 5, 1945 marks Liberation day known as Bevrijdinsdag in The Netherlands. On May 5, 1955 I was a 5 yr. old child living in The Netherlands when the village we lived in celebrated the 10th Anniversary with a parade that my Dad took part in. He drove a tractor that pulled one of the floats. That day, every school age child received a porcelain mug to commemmorate the occasion. My 4 older brothers and sister and I all received one at school. I believe my eldest brother still has 1 of the mugs in his china cabinet.
Today especially I am proud to call myself a Dutch Canadian and am thankful for all the Canadians who laid down their lives so that we could live in a free country.