Amber Jordan
Amber Jordan arrived on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010. She weighed 7 lb. 8 oz. Big sisters Sierra and Brooke and parents Janice and Rob are thrilled with their new family member. Oma; Opa; Grandma and Grandpa can't wait to spoil her! You can read all about her birth story here.
My beautiful daughter and Amber
I arrived at the house on Tues. eve. around 6:30. The midwives arrived shortly after. I looked after Sierra and Brooke while the midwives and Janice and Rob went to the hospital. Sierra and Brooke made cards for their parents and for the new baby. At that point we didn't know if the baby would be a he or a she. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the cards they made. The girls were really good for me and I had lots of fun with them. They both went to bed very easily and were asleep in minutes. Rob called me at 10:45 to give me the news and I then called my son Mike and Opa to tell them. I tried to stay up until Rob came home with the camera so I could see the pictures but fell asleep fully clothed lying on top of the covers. I woke up shortly after Rob came home and got to see the pictures. The next morning I woke up to Brooke who was stroking my cheek and telling me she loved me at 5:15 a.m.!! We cuddled for a little while and then we both went back to sleep until 7:15. While the girls were having breakfast; Rob told them about Amber and they got to see the pictures that were taken in the hospital the night before. After breakfast; and getting the girls ready; Rob, myself and the girls drove to the hospital to meet Amber. Here are some pictures I took of the girls holding their new baby sister:
Sierra, 5 holding Amber
Brooke 3, holding Amber
On Wednesday afternoon; I stayed and took care of the girls so Rob could get some much needed sleep. While I was reading a story to the girls; Brooke fell asleep so off to bed she went. Rob & Brooke eventually woke up and after supper; I went home totally exhausted but excited to show Opa the pictures I had taken in the hospital. On Thursday; I went back to work but was really tired after the excitement of the last 2 days and was in bed by 8:30 p.m.!
Yesterday; Opa and I dropped in so Opa could meet his newest granddaughter and I took some more pictures:
Brooke and Amber
Sierra and Amber
I am patiently waiting for Janice to send me the pictures that she took of Opa and I and Amber.
Thanks for stopping by!
Congratulations to everybody,especially Brooke and Sierra! xx
ReplyDeletecongratulations - you have such beautiful grandchildren and know they are so very happy. Can't wait to see more pictures.
ReplyDeleteWoohooo congratulations Oma!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Oma!!
ReplyDeleteA very special time for you and your family..Enjoy!!
congratulations you have such beautiful grandchildren i can se they are so happy with the little one
Hej Thank you for visiting my blog and your dutch was very good efter so many years.
ReplyDeleteI'am not so good in English but your dutch was great
Thank you Dankje wel