Saturday, December 13, 2008

And another nomination:

for the Kreativ Blogger award which can be seen on the right side of my blog. This time Chris nominated me. Here are da rules:

The rules for the award are:
~The winner may put the logo on their blog
~Put a link to the person who sent you the award
~Nominate 5 blogs~Put links to their blogs
~Leave a message for your nominees

So without further ado; here are my nominees:

Anita who not only stitches and has beautiful finishes but also designs cross stitch patterns. She is also very interested in scrapbooking.
Becky - another beautiful cross stitcher and finisher. I just wish I had half her talent!
Becca - well known in the paper craft world - this woman is awesome and she has some great tutorials on her blog.
Kimmie - a fellow Canadian.
Allison - another fellow Canadian whose posts Newly Discovered have led me to some awesome blogs.- and the reason why my Google Reader has so many blogs on it!

Go check out their blogs! I promise you won't be disappointed.

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