Sunday, June 15, 2008

Refund cheque

Woo Hoo! Herb calculated my income tax return and told me I owed $5.85 which I paid when I sent my tax return in. We were away Thurs. and Fri. and just checked the mail box today. I got an income tax refund for the amount of $148.84 because Herb forgot to include the $1,000.00 employment deduction which is new this year. He realized his mistake when he was calculating his own income tax return and told me that I would be getting a refund but wasn't sure how much it would be for. Guess who I am taking out for dinner tonight in honour of Father's Day?


  1. Hope you enjoyed your dinner out!

  2. Bonus..Dinner and stitching stash money. yippee!

  3. We went to Boston Pizza and thoroughly enjoyed dinner. As for the money left over, I bought some card making stash.


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