Friday, May 30, 2008

This is so me!

I love, love my coffee and this design by Barbara Ana is perfect for me.
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  1. Oh my - that is sooo cool. My youngest sister is addicted to coffee and that would be so her

  2. I saw your comment on Annemarie's blog and just had to drop by to visit a fellow 'Dutch' coffee addict. This is such a cute piece.

    Like you I love the Keukenhof. It is so special and something everyone should get a chance to experience.

  3. Hello there, found you through the F&S~~love your blog and all of your wonderful stitching and beading!

  4. Somehow or other I couldn't comment on your latest post. What a lovely new sampler. This looks like it is going to be such fun to stitch.

    Like you I moved to Canada when I was 6 and I was raised in Thunder Bay (Fort William). I met my DH who was from Holland and when we married I moved back there. We moved to the US in 2000 but our children still live in Europe. We are planning to return to Holland in the not too distant future.

  5. I have never seen this design but it fits me perfectly! :) Coffee addicts must stick together.


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