Sunday, May 18, 2008

Some more cross stitch finishes

I stitched this for my granddaughter Sierra in 2005. I want to get this framed and will give it to her on her 3rd birthday which is on June 8. Stitched on light blue 28 ct. Jobelan over 2. The name of this design is Brighter World and is from Forever in my Heart.

I stitched this for myself. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am unique and rarely follow the crowd or a fad. I was a bit of a rebel in my younger years. This is stitched on 28 ct. light green jobelan over 2. It is by Raise the Roof designs.

This is a Lizzie Kate design that I stitched 2 years ago while on a week's holiday. DH & I own a timeshare condo and we exchange every year and spend a week at a condo. This year we will be going to Northern Michigan. This was a very quick stitch. Stitched on 28 count light tan Jobelan evenweave over 2.

1 comment:

  1. Your finishes are ALL so pretty. That Lizzie Kate is cute!


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